Matthew 28:18-20

Global World Missions

We are committed to help people Find & Follow Jesus all around the world. Every month we support 10 missionaries, church plants, and projects throughout the world and United States. We are excited to join the work God is doing throughout the world. Our prayer is that you will join these efforts also. If you have any questions about our missionaries or our missions program, and would like to take your next steps to play a part in world missions please let us know!

  • Tim and Sarah Downs

    Per Tim “Sarah and I want to move our family to Ivory Coast, West Africa and create a training center for pastors and their families to come and learn to care for plants and animals in a sustainable way. While at the training center pastors will also be working on cultivating relationships with people in the community.

    Our desire is for people from all walks of life to know that the pastors home and the church are places of refuge and peace. Knowing that if some one has a need they can go to the pastors house and he will do everything in his power to meet that need and minister to that individual and/or community.

    1 Corinthians 15:58 talks about being steadfast and unmovable always abounding in the Lord’s work. Our desire with the training center is to create a firm foundation for pastors and their families so they do not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. In doing so, we have provided them with a steadfast root system as they labor in the work of the Lord.”

    You can find out more about their ministry here.

  • Blake Housley to Nashville

    Blake Housley studied at Mission University before joining the staff at Park Crest Baptist Church where his father has been a senior pastor for 15 years. Now he is going to Nashville to plant a new church wherever the Lord leads him.

  • The Leons to New York City

    Elvis and Emily are a hallmark movie come to life! Elvis is from Brooklyn but moved to Springfield, Missouri to attend Baptist Bible College. Emily is a small-town girl from Missouri. They met serving on the Youth Team in High Street Baptist Church, and the rest is history! Elvis and Emily are driven to see lives transformed by the truth of Jesus Christ.

    Elvis and Emily recently added a new addition to the family, sweet baby Cora! Follow their story here.

  • The Lukyanovs to Estonia

    Meet Vladimir & Debbie and they are going to be missionaries in Estonia.

    To hear more about how you can get involved in their ministry click here.

  • The Rhoades to England

    WITH OVER 90% OF THE CITY OF LONDON NOT TRUSTING IN CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOR, WHERE DO YOU START? There are hundreds of great ways to start Saving London. The people of London are in desperate need of the gospel, but just giving them that will not be enough for the city. What London needs is churches.


    To get involved and hear their story click Here.

  • The Richards to The Pacific Islands

    Ian & Amanda truly believe that Jesus is the hope of the world and it’s only through him we find eternal life. Together it’s their goal to take the good news of Jesus into every home — no matter the distance. It’s their mission is to bring life & hope to people across the world.

    Follow their story, on their website here.

  • The Smiths to Germany

    Their mission is to disciple and raise up leaders in Germany who will further the cause of Christ among displaced peoples.

    To find more information on ways to support their mission or hear more about Matt & Tabby follow their story, on their website here.

  • Aaron and Lani Stephens to the Philippines

    Aaron and Lani also studied at Mission University before being called to serve the Philippines. After traveling around to gain support, they finally made the move at the end of April 2024.

    You can subscribe to their newsletter here.

  • The Taylors New York City

    Ron and Susan felt the call to urban church planting during Ron’s sophomore year at Baptist Bible College. After graduating and serving for four years at their sending church, they arrived in New York City in 2008 with a vision to plant 5 churches in each of the 5 boroughs of NYC. God has already used them to launch two works: one in Brooklyn and the other in Queens. Knowing one of God’s greatest tools is the local church, they are excited about the team God has put together to reach the world through New York City.

    Ron and Susan have two teens, Noah and Ally, who are both heavily involved in their ministry. They are quickly approaching an empty nest and savor any spare time with their kids by sharing a common love for coffee and travel.

    Follow their story here

  • Jim & Barbie Waters in Zambia

    Jim, Barbie, and their family have been in MBala since 2006. Over the years they have seen many people come to Christ. They have recently started a deaf ministry, which is the only one of it’s kind in the area.

  • APEX Churches

    APEX missions are:


    You can find out more about what they do here.

  • Manna Worldwide

    MANNA Worldwide is on a mission to rescue children from the grip of poverty. For more information about what they do visit here.

  • Mission University

    Formerly known as Baptist Bible College, Mission University EDUCATES, INSPIRES, and EQUIPS students to serve as effective Christian leaders. For more information about Missions University visit here.